FX Expert Funded

Bank of Japan leaves rates unchanged, as widely expected

Bank of Japan current short-term rate is 0.25%

Japan’s economy recovering moderately, albeit with some weaknessesInflation
expectations heightening moderatelyInflation likely to
be at level generally consistent with BOJ’s price target in second
half of our 3-year projection period through fiscal 2026Consumption rising
moderately as a trendJapan’s economy
likely to achieve growth above potentialMust be vigilant to
impact of financial, fx market moves on Japan’s economy, pricesImpact of FX volatility on prices has become larger than in the past

Full text of the statement is here

Dates ahead for the rest of this year and into H1 of 2025 for the BoJ:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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