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NATO allies are discussing reclaiming some Chinese-owned infrastructure in Europe

CNN with the report on NATO nerves over China-owned infrastructure in Europe.

NATO countries now see those investments as a liabilityThe fear, according to one US official, is that Beijing could use the infrastructure it owns in Europe to provide material assistance to Russiadiscussions on taking action on infrastructure, according to three officials involved in them, are still in their early stagesA NATO official said that if a war erupted, the infrastructure “would almost certainly be nationalized, or nations would temporarily assume operating control, under emergency security measures. China can sue them in court after the fact.”

China has poured vast sums into these projects and would rightly expect return on investment, and secure ownership. A war though … all bets are off.

Here is the link for much more detail.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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